On entend souvent dire que la formation à l'enseignement a peu d'effet sur la pratique...pourtant...il y a vingt ans....
Ferguson P. et S. T. Womack (1993). «The Impact
of Subject Matter and on Teaching Performance». Journal of Teacher Education, 44 (1), 55-63.
Selon la littérature existante
A thorough grounding in subject matter is
essential in the preparation of novices for teaching as well the argument that
subject matter knowledge makes a difference in teaching.
The evidence indicates that while the subject
matter knowledge is an important prerequisite for effective teaching, it is not
sufficient in and of itself and that knowledge beyond that typically required
for certification does not result in increasing the quality of teaching
The existing body of research strongly suggests
that teacher education makes a difference in teaching performance.
Sujet de l'étude : As a part of it effort to evaluate
the effectiveness of its teacher education program, the study assessed the
extent to which education and subject matter coursework predict the teaching
performance of student teachers completing the program.
Résultats de l'étude : The findinds of this study
indicate that coursework in teacher education makes a positive difference in
teaching performance and that education coursework is a more powerful
predicator of teaching effectiveness than measures of content expertise.
Conclusion : The findings of this study add to
the body research indicating that teacher education makes a difference in
teaching performance.
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